
Monday, June 24, 2013

Mindless Self Indulgence - How I Learned To Stop Giving A Shit And Love Mindless Self Indulgence

Mindless Self Indulgence - How I Learned To Stop Giving A Shit And Love Mindless Self Indulgence

Industrial-pop-punk legends Mindless Self Indulgence have been around for almost two decades now, and they're still kicking. With their first release in 6 years they've manage to show they still have everything that made them awesome from the get go. This album started as a Kickstarter project since they wanted to release it independently. Full disclosure I did fund them and got a sweet hoodie in return, and this album. The fact that this is an independent release does come through at times, it can feel a little under produced, which isn't exactly a bad thing.

With their last album, If, it felt like MSI had lost some of their edge, and had resorted to trying to be a Hot Topic, mall teen, friendly group. Almost every song on that album felt like it was a bit phoned in, the passion wasn't there, and it felt more like it was done for money than anything else. This album is closer in sound to the Another Mindless Ripoff EP, or You'll Rebel To Anything. It brings back the passion they had, the humor and the pure ridiculousness. 

The album starts off with Witness which is basically 3 minutes of Jimmy Urine proclaiming how awesome he is with the line "God likes me, I am the best, fuck everybody else". It's catchy it's funny, it's MSI. The beat pumps through each line is so over the top as to be ridiculous and humorous. 

The second song is a miss though. Fuck Machine has an alright rhythm and beat, but just terrible lyrics. Just so bad, it tries too hard to be funny, it tries too hard to be a cohesive song, it's just awful. If you're going to skip any song, it's this one, it's not worth the listen.

The rest of the songs are a mixed bag. There's nothing I would call bad, some songs are a bit simplistic and weak, but there's a definite appeal, Overall you're going to want more. MSI is back and as good as ever. This is a recommend buy for fans of MSI new and old, as well as people interested in trying them. It won't win over people who don't like them but that's not a bad thing in this case. Stop giving a shit and love MSI!

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